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목록raspberry (6)
Louie NRT Story
Writed on 06 NOV 2019 Device: Raspberry Pi 3 Raspbian Version: 2019-09-26-raspbian-buster-full.zip 1. Auto-hide the taskbar - right mouse click on taskbar 2. Remove taskbar - Add "#" infront of @lxpanel 3. Information
Writed on 06 NOV 2019 Device: Raspberry Pi 3 Raspbian Version: 2019-09-26-raspbian-buster-full.zip 1. Install xscreensaver 2. Setting xscreensaver 1) Click menu 2) Change mode and pic 3) Setting advance mode 4) xscreensaver maker 3. Description - The xscreensaver waits until the keyboard and mouse have been idle for a period and then runs a graphics demo. It turns off as soon as there is any mou..
Writed on 04 NOV 2019 Latest modify on 29 NOV 2019 Device: Raspberry Pi 3 Raspbian Version: 2019-09-26-raspbian-buster-full.zip 1. Install apach2 2. Install mariadb 3. Setting password of root 1) Login mariadb Server using root 2) Change password of root 4. Install php 1) Search latest php version 2) Install php 5. Make phpinfo Page 6. Edit php.ini 1) Modify gd2 2) Install gd of php 3) Restart a..
Writed on 28 OCT 2019 Device: Raspberry Pi 3 Raspbian Version: 2019-09-26-raspbian-buster-full.zip 1. Install supervisor 2. Make configure file of supervisor - I did that using root account. 3. Modify the configure file - command: Define which command to run - directory: Define which directory to run - autostart: Define wheather this process will also run when the supervisor deamon starts 4. Run..
Writed on 28 OCT 2019 Device: Raspberry Pi 3 Raspbian Version: 2019-09-26-raspbian-buster-full.zip 1. Install Watchdog 2. Start service - This service shows create or modify log at this current directory. 3. Start programming import sys import time import logging from watchdog.observers import Observer from watchdog.events import LoggingEventHandler if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig..
개요1. 준비물 소개2. 구성도3. 제작 과정4. Drive 코드5. Camera 동작법6. 실제 동작모습 1. 준비물 2. 구성도 3. 제작과정테스트하는데 와이프가 시끄럽다고 잔소리 들었음ㅠ그래서 조용조용 만듬~ 원래 Servo 모터로 카메라 회전까지 하려 했으나Servo 모터에서 테이프가 자꾸 떨어져서 포기~ㅋ붙이다가 짜증났음~ㅠ 4. Drive 코드a 입력하고 Enter 치면 좌회전, d 입력하고 enter 치면 우회전Command 식인데 게임하듯이 만들면 됨그래서 찾은게 python에 pygame 이라고 게임 만들때 쓰는 라이브러리 인데지금은 일단 패스코드는 첨부파일에 존재함 5. Camera 사용법raspivid -o - -t 0 -hf -w 800 -h 400 -fps 24 |cvlc -vvv..