Louie NRT Story

[Raspberry Pi] Initialization on Raspberry Pi 본문


[Raspberry Pi] Initialization on Raspberry Pi

hyeok0724.kim@gmail.com 2019. 10. 23. 14:36

Writed on 23 OCT 2019
Device: Raspberry Pi 3
Raspbian Version: 2019-09-26-raspbian-buster-full.zip


1. Setting Raspberry Pi Configuration.

 1) Enable SSH & VNC

 2) Wifi Country Code

2. Install 한글 Fonts


3. Update and Upgrade apt-get


4. Service FTP

 1) Install FTP Service and modify config file 

 2) Restart vsftpd Service

 3) Check vsftp service

5. Modify Python Symbol Link and pip upgrade

6. change root password


7. Install matchbox-keyboard

8. Raspberry Pi Reboot
